Cov19Tech is an open effort to document and share information about the emerging technology being built to aid in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Cov19Tech’s initial focus is documenting the workings of contact tracing apps currently being released across the world. Contact tracing apps (also referred to as expoure notification apps) are mobile apps that help the process of identifying people who have been in contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. These apps typically use Bluetooth or GPS to determine ‘contact’ with an infected individual. The various approaches to building contact tracing apps have tradeoffs with respect to their effectiveness as well as to implications for privacy.

A list of many of the contact tracing applications released so far, with some details on their implementations, is shown here. More detailed descriptions of each app can be found in the Contact Tracing Apps section.

If you see any errors, can fill in any gaps, or have additional apps to add, please write in

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